Good For You Jason Collins!!

Jason CollinsI wanted to congratulate Jason Collins. Jason is an active player in the National Basketball Association (NBA) in the United States. He just announced openly that he is gay. This is a big story in the United States as Jason is the first active player in the NBA to come out. I salute and support him 100%.

I am hopeful that this will bring all of us closer together and not divide us.  We are all One and we need to have acceptance, tolerance and respect for each other.  This is about love.  We need to treat others as we would like to be treated. We all bleed red and we are all children of Mother / Father God.  There is no room for judgment, criticism and separation.

We all need to accept and honor each other regardless of any different beliefs that we may have. It matters not and it cannot be tolerated.  Criticizing and judging others is criticizing and judging yourself.  I salute Jason for his honesty and courage and feel that he is now a happier person as this weight has been lifted off his shoulders. Congratulations Jason and blessings and love to you and your loved ones…


I need your help.  Please click HERE to view the post on the love bomb meditation.    This is important and does help tremendously.  If you are interested in helping, please send me a comment (just scroll down and you will see comments) anywhere on this page or any other page on my website.  I need your first name, your last name initial and the state or country you are from and I will add you to the growing list. 

This is a list of people who have given me their permission to include them in my meditation to send love to Mother Earth.  There is strength in numbers and the meditation is so much more intensified when others give their love and intention to send love. 

No meditation on your part is required (unless you want to ).   The people who are participating in this love bomb meditation can be found by clicking HERE.  Help me grow this list, won’t you?

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  1. Nice done Andy! All is about Love, and I want to Jason could see what You have posted. This Men and Woman are for the most very spiritual developed. Go on spread Love!
    Love and Light to all
    Birgit from Sweden


  2. Gays and Lesbians.. they are very sensitive human beings.. they have a special touch in their hearts..I’m very happy they are getting out of the closet..They are human beings like any other… We must not forget.. THAT WE ARE ALL ONE !!!


  3. That is wonderful! My brother is gay and I know what a challenge it is to be accepted as just a normal human being!


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