A Must Read: My Experience and Conversation with Darren, Please Help!!

HomeI wanted to share something that happened two days ago with all of you. Please have an open loving heart when you read this posting. I am friends with a good friend named Darren. Darren is married to Inga and they live in Washington.

They have 4 children together ranging from 8 or so to 16 or so. They are good friends of mine. Two days ago, Darren was riding his bicycle on the street and was hit by a car. Darren’s back was broken and he had major brain injuries and did not wake up from the accident.

A friend of ours called us and told my wife what had happened. I went on Inga’s Facebook page and read all the posts regarding Darren. At that moment, this accident was confirmed to me at my soul level. Waves of massive energies started to flow through my body and I started to weep hysterically and just cried. It brought me back to when my mom passed away a year and a half ago.

In a sense I was feeling what Inga was feeling. I needed to calm down as there was a moment where I could not breathe. Then, the most wonderful thing happened to me. Darren came in. I could hear his voice. I could feel his energies, and I could see him in my mind’s eye. He basically talked to me. He thanked me for my friendship for many years and he thanked me for absorbing the pain that Inga would have had to deal with by me crying and weeping the way I did.

He asked that I become better friends with Inga and reestablish all of my old friendships. He said that he did not feel anything when he was hit by the car. It happened so quickly that he did hear the car coming and saw a flash of the car. After that, he was engulfed in white light. He said he is no longer in pain and that he feels so good and not to worry.

At this time, he did not say whether he passed over. Listening to him talk to me calmed me down. I had to take a break, drink some water, and gather my composure. I then immediately started to perform an energy healing trying to help him. I asked his higher self and Darren to be with me. Darren showed up again and then told me that I did not need to do this, as he was already home and at peace.

He said that this was all planned out and agreed to at another level between himself and Inga before their incarnation. This was also planned between the person that hit him and his kids. Everyone had a part in this.  All of this was agreed to before hand.  He said that this was done to help develop and provide growth of Inga’s soul. This was done so she can learn how to manage four children and be financially supported at the same time, among other reasons and that everyone had a role.

He said all of this was Inga’s higher self lessons that were given to Inga to learn. He said that he could not go back to that broken body as this would be too hard for him physically and for everyone else emotionally to see him in that vegetative state. He said that he leaving is for the highest and best good.

He said he would flow my healing energies to Inga and children and all extended family.  He said God does not punish anyone and take lives away for pain.  Everything is a lesson that we do for ourselves for growth and experience.  This was basically his message to me.

Regardless, I continued the healing, to honor Darren, and he even showed me where the diseased energy was and how to better remove it with my hands. My spiritual team was there as well, as they are with every healing. Then the most remarkable thing happened. After the healing, I told my wife that Darren is gone, that he died, and he is OK and that he was here with me and talked with me.

A few minutes later after I had told this to my wife, we got a phone call from a good friend that told us that Inga had posted on her Facebook wall that Darren had died. Why am I saying all this to you? This is a confirmation to me and to all of you that there is life after death. There is no death.  That all of this was real what I experienced!

That we are all immortal.  That we are here to learn, to experience life and all the lessons it offers us, even when we move to a higher consciousness through Earthly death.  When we die, we go up in consciousness level. It is sad that it took the life of a close friend to give me this confirmation. I already knew this however.

I am hoping that this posting will allow you to feel better about death, about life, your purpose here and how to approach life, with love and joy and happiness. Spirit works in miraculous ways always helping us evolve. This experience has helped me evolve and allowed truth to be truth from this confirmation that I was blessed to receive.  Respectfully, I ask for three things from you at this time, if possible.

The first is the sending of your thoughts, and prayers, and love for Inga and her children and all of their extended family. They are going through hard times right now.  I know you do not know her or her family, but it is the intention that counts, and we are all One and we all would like to be treated the way we treat others.  Please honor this family by sending out your love and prayers.  This does help as there is so much strength in numbers.

The second is your request to the angels to help Darren find his way to the light, so that he can go home, if he is not there yet. Sometimes when there is a traumatic death, the person that dies stays here and becomes a ghost thinking that he is still alive and does not go to the light. Please ask and command that he be sent home. Please tell Darren to go home.

Ask Arch Angel Michael and all the light angelic beings to help Darren find the light and to go home. I’m sure that he is already home, but your intentions will help make this happen. Also, ask for all souls that die to go home as well.  There are others that need your help and intentions as well.

The third thing that I ask from you is to reestablish old friendships. How many people do you know that you have not talked to in months or years? Pick up the phone and call them to just say hello and tell them you were thinking about them. Reestablish old relationships and friendships. Put a smile on their face.

Raise their energy vibration while raising yours as well. Also, hug your children a little harder and a little longer tonight. Have gratitude for your life and have appreciation for everything that you have. This is a wakeup call for everyone that life is precious and that you need to live life to its fullest.

I am not placing Darren’s picture here out of respect for privacy for the family. I am OK after this loss as I know Darren is OK. I am sending all of you so much love and many, many blessings. Love!


I need your help.  Please click HERE to view the post on the love bomb meditation.    This is important and does help tremendously.  If you are interested in helping, please send me a comment (just scroll down and you will see comments) anywhere on this page or any other page on my website.  I need your first name, your last name initial and the state or country you are from and I will add you to the growing list.

This is a list of people who have given me their permission to include them in my meditation to send love to Mother Earth.  There is strength in numbers and the meditation is so much more intensified when others give their love and intention to send love. 

No meditation on your part is required (unless you want to ).   The people who are participating in this love bomb meditation can be found by clicking HERE.  Help me grow this list, won’t you?

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  1. It is also important to keep in prayer the person who essentially agreed to hit Darren on the bike, and give him a way out, so Inga can learn this lesson. There are no perpetrators and victims. Everything is agreed upon at a higher level!


  2. Dear Andy,so many emotions running through me after I read this post,Darren’s family will certainly be in my prayers cos as you rightly said,we are all ONE big consciousness and there is no me,you ,I etc.etc….However the ENERGY is one and the same in each one of us:) And Darren’s own confirmation that he is o.k and is in a happy place is evidence enough to understand that he is indeed among the myriad Angels who receive each one of us without any judgements:) He was lucky that he had you for his friend who he could come back to,to feel at ease and be comforted:) Thanks for sharing this beautiful incident with us as it does gives us all HOPE that there is life beyond this dimension and there is nothing to be fearful of:)


  3. Oh Andy, …..I will send all I got to his wife and children, I am so sorry to read this as I know it’s hard. All my love and thoughts go out to you and your family as well as Darren’s and his family that wait behind to be reunited with him. Losing someone is the worst thing we can go through here, I’m so sorry. My thoughts and love are already on their way to all. ❤


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