Thank You – 100 People Received an Energy Healing

Thank YouI wanted to thank you all so much for your support.  100 different people have now received an energy healing from me.  The full list of who received an energy healing from me can be viewed HERE.

Most of these were distant energy healings and included 20 different countries, from Russia, to Australia, to India, etc…  This is just amazing and mind boggling to me.

I have met so many new friends from all over the world.  I am so honored and thankful to have all of you in my lives.  I still have over 100 more healing requests to get through and the list seems to be getting larger (which is wonderful).  Please be patient if you have sent me a healing request.  I will get back with you.  I promise!!!

It gives me such joy and pleasure to be of service to all of you.  Truly!!  It is always in the giving that you receive.  And I have received friendships from all of you and the honor to know that maybe I have helped you just in some small way (whether it is pain related or emotionally related).  That is the best gift that I can receive.

People always ask me why I do not charge for my healings and I tell them because when I hear from the person I healed that they are better and a small miracle has happened in their life because of the healing, that feeling I get is priceless.  It is the knowing that they are better.  It is the knowing that you may have helped them in some way.  We are all One.  You cannot buy that feeling for any amount of money.

That is the payment to me.  The testimonials are the payment.  I believe that I have been given an opportunity to help people and to help make a difference someway in people’s lives.  And I am taking this opportunity and running with it.  Where it takes me, I do not know.  Maybe we will find out together.  To me, it is the best job you can possibly have.  For now, I am just so happy and honored to know all of you and to have your friendships.  And I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am sending all of you so much love and so many blessings and wishing you nothing but happiness, laughter, and joy in your hearts.  Love…


I need your help.  Please click HERE to view the post on the love bomb meditation.    This is important and does help tremendously.  If you are interested in helping, please send me a comment (just scroll down and you will see comments) anywhere on this page or any other page on my website.  I need your first name, your last name initial and the state or country you are from and I will add you to the growing list.

This is a list of people who have given me their permission to include them in my meditation to send love to Mother Earth.  There is strength in numbers and the meditation is so much more intensified when others give their love and intention to send love. 

No meditation on your part is required (unless you want to ).   The people who are participating in this love bomb meditation can be found by clicking HERE.  Help me grow this list, won’t you?

PS.  If you like this posting, click on the “Sign Me Up” button on the right side of the website and you will get an e-mail when I have a new post.  And click on the “Like” button on the right to like my Facebook Page.

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  1. It is with a joyful heart that i read your words, soul brother..and i wish to express my deepest gratitude to you and the so many other beautiful, compassionate and powerful souls who are awakening and being of service to each other and Gaia; yours is a labour of unconditional love and i understand how rewarding it is. I’ve also been touched by your healing energies and feel lighter and renewed. May your life and personal space be filled with joy and peace..In lak’ech (we are ONE)


  2. Wow ! this is wonderful ! Thank you Andy for sharing. I am so happy for these 100 persons, for them and for all the persons around them. Be blessed for all you do. xo


  3. HAPPY ANIVERSARY !!! Thanks my dear Andy for everything you have done to me and to the 100’s you have on your list.. and for the next 100000000 you will soon have. You are more than blessed from heaven… Wishing you a happy Ani-Chocolate-Day !!!!!


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