Love Bomb – First Night Results!

ResultsI just wanted to give everyone an update on my first meditation on the love bomb with your included intentions and love.  Last night was the first time that I incorporated the love bomb list of participants from my web site into my meditation.

Before, I would do the love bomb without incorporating anyone and their intentions and love.  Last night I added everyone from my website list of participants and their positive intentions into my meditation.

Let me just say that the meditation was like no other for me.  When I made the statement during my mediation that “I would now like to incorporate the love and intentions of all the blessed souls that are on the participation list on my website into this meditation,” I was flooded with so much energy.  It felt like I was being run over by a truck.  I literally had to ground myself and felt being lifted up.  It was so amazing.

And then when I envisioned all of us dropping this ball of love into the center of Earth and it exploded in the middle of Earth’s heart, it was indescribable to me.  I was not where I was sitting.  The amount of energy that flowed was really amazing.  I so wish for all of you to see and experience this.  This was so much more powerful than any other time I have done this meditation.

There is so much strength in numbers when your combined intention and love is added to the meditation.  And it has such an impact energetically!!  This meditation with your added intentions and love is so magnified.  Let’s grow this list even more.  I know it is having such a positive impact energetically.  And as the list grows, the impact energetically will be greater as well.  In any event, I just wanted to share my experience the first time I included the participation list to my meditation.  Have a great week and thank you all for your support.  Blessings and love to all of you…


Please click HERE to view the post on the love bomb meditation.  I need your help.  This is important and does help tremendously.  If you are interested in helping, please send me a comment (just scroll down and you will see comments) anywhere on this page or any other page on my website.  I need your first name, your last name initial and the state or country you are from and I will add you to the growing list. 

This is a list of people who have given me their permission to include them in my meditation to send love to Mother Earth.  There is strength in numbers and the meditation is so much more intensified when others give their love and intention to send love. 

No meditation on your part is required (unless you want to ).   The people who are participating in this love bomb meditation can be found by clicking HERE.  Help me grow this list, won’t you?

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  1. Andy I would like to send my Love to Gaia also and raise the Love on the Planet and END to War / Disunity & Hate ~ I am Jim M from Scottsdale AZ ~ Namaste ~ We are ONE ~


  2. Andy, Just have to tell you that when I woke up today, I had an extra little “pep in my step”. I had no idea why, but after reading this post, I definitely know now! I was just curious if you know when your next Love Bomb meditation will be. I’d love to try and be in meditation at the same time!!!


    1. I do the love bomb meditation every night sometime between 9-11 PM. California time. The love bomb meditation is in part 2 of the How I Meditate Post. You do not have to do the meditation with me at the same time. You can do it on your own at any time. Can I add you to the participation list? Blessings and love to you David…


  3. Go Andy Go !!!! More ♥ bombs !! That will be outrageous… if all on your list will do it in a 24 hour round!! Since everyone is in different places… that ♥ Bomb will continue spreading !! YESSSSSSSSS… Like the Song… All we Need is LOVE !!!


    1. Rosa, thanks but nobody has to meditate. This is not a group meditation where everyone meditates together at the same time. What this is is that everyone is allowing me to grow the love bomb by adding their intentions and love to my meditation. I am taking their love and intentions and adding it to my meditation to make it stronger. Same affect as if they were meditating with me individually as energy follows intent. They can meditate if they want. I typically will meditate between 9-11 PM. my time in CA. Blessings and loce to you Rosa…


  4. Dear Andy,
    Now that’s what I am talking about….YAY:) I hope you keep yourself GROUNDED cos the next time it’s going to be more and more intense and I sincerely feel that it is going to tire you out too:) I have no idea how this works,but ENJOY the RIDE:) Love and Light,NAMASTE:)


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